New Home Builder in Edmonton- NX Build
NX Build was established by Robert Parasynchuk and Andrew Jaillet to improve value in developing high quality projects which are being built to last and a guarantee that it will out-perform for the 21st century.
For the last 20 years Robert has built and overseen hundreds of new homes and construction projects with a main focus on quality, customer service, and exceeding customer expectations. For the last 20 years Andrew has worked in the multi-family & commercial construction industry with a main focus of estimating and managing small to large projects.
With the great number of years of experience between both Rob and Andrew they have seen the short comings of others and challenges that needed to be overcome which is why the need for the creation of NX Build.
This perfect duo has always had building in them from a young age dating back to high school which they both attended at Arch Bishop O’Leary. This is where these two excelled in industrial arts; their senior year they pushed to do bigger and better things than the average student. Rob and Andrew’s project was to build a 8 foot boat which their teacher said was a large undertaking and not sure if it could be done; but by the end of the year they had successfully accomplished the build and went fishing for its maiden voyage; needless to say their teacher was amazed and impressed at their accomplishment.

Robert Parasynchuk